Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blue and Orange

Why would I pick the colors blue and orange for this web page? It was done purposely for a reason. Can you guess why? Please post your guesses under the comments section below!!


  1. Because those are the colors of the Flag of New York City.

  2. It's New York's colors (the flag and multiple sports teams)

  3. Blue and orange are the colors of the flag of New York. It also represents many of the sports teams.

    1. Blue and orange are the colors of the flag of New York. It also represents many of the sports teams.
      -Alex Kaufman

  4. Blue and orange are the colors of New York's flag. they are also the colors of several of New York's sports teams such as the Mets and Knicks

  5. Orange and blue are New York States colors.

  6. Blue and orange are the colors of many NY state sports teams!

  7. the blue and orange are New York's state colors.

  8. Simone LEwis

    orange and blue is the knicks and mets colors.

  9. Simone LEwis

    orange and blue is the knicks and mets colors.

  10. The blue and orange colored design is derived from the Prince's Flag which is the flag of the Dutch Republic. These are the colors of the flag of New York with the addition of the color white. Many sport teams use these colors such as the islanders, mets, and nets when they played in the IZOD center.

  11. The web page is blue and orange because those are the colors of the ny state flag

  12. It's because it's the colors of the NY flag !!!!

  13. Blue and Orange are the colors of New Yorks flag. They also represent several New York sports teams.

  14. Blue and Orange are the colors of the New York flag. They also represent New York sport teams like the Knicks, Mets, and Islanders.
    -Matthew Davids

  15. Blue and orange represent the New York teams.
    Tim Makhmudov

  16. I think you picked the colors blue and orange for this website because they are the colors of the New York flag , and also the colors to some New York sport teams.

  17. the colors represent the flag of new york, which is used in many new york teams

  18. Orange and blue are New York States colors and many of the New York sports teams represent these colors.

  19. Blue and Orange are the New York State colors they are also on the New York State flag

  20. Blue and orange are NYC's colors which many sports teams have adopted.

    - Chris LaSasso

  21. Because it is the state flag
    -Summer Colleran

  22. Blue and Orange may come from the dutch who first settled in NYC. There colors from the netherlands.

  23. Blue and orange are the colors of new york because they are the colors of the state flag.

  24. Blue and orange are the colors of new york because they are the colors of the state flag.

  25. You picked the colors blue and orange because they are the colors of the New York state flag.
    - Pat Hammil

  26. Orange and blue are New York's state colors.

  27. the colors orange and blue are the New York state colors.


It is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal. Its politics are used to frighten children. Its traffic is madness. Its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it -- once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no other place is good enough.

—John Steinbeck